maandag 28 oktober 2013

Confession and the double doors

Hi All,

I hope you are all well; we've had a terrible storm today so the weather was perfect for doing a bit of mini -as long as you're inside the house of course :) -.
I saw on the news the weather in England was awful too, hope you are all well over there, and still have the electricity working.

In the header it says; confession, so here we go: can't remember where, but I know in the past I've made quite a big deal about the look of dollhouses often not being
very accurate, time-wise. Too elaborate, too rich, too expensive, often suitable for kings or queens but not for 'normal' folk.
Not that that really matters, your house is decorated in the style you like.
For me, I always wanted a house that is decorated in the way it really looked like back then.

But.... if I would follow that to the letter, the house would end up pretty empty
and with not much glamour.
And I am beyond fond of glamour and blingbling, darlings, in such a way  that I finally compelled to this heartfelt craving. 

However, to keep the Jekyll & Hyde of my inner self in balance, the rooms used by staff will be very poor.

So, be warned, some kitsch will be coming your way when you continue reading this blog  :D

Today I have done some work on the double doors that will be connecting the bedchamber and the powder room.
At first I wanted a door with glass inserts, but in the end I preferred closed doors,
mainly because there will be double doors with fake glass inserts to the balcony adjoining the powder room.

I used jewelry findings á la Ray*, and this is the result so far:

Don't know yet if I will add extra findings later on, maybe some wood strips here and there, but for now this is it.

I have been working on the walls and ceiling last week but can't show you the progress yet, I am still working on the ornaments. As is it is all not very exciting yet.
But towards revealing the room I will show you more pics.

Take care and keep on mini-ing!

*courtesy to Ray Whitledge for posting the jewelry finding how-to on his blog

17 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello Gee! I like what I see very much and it is always a great investment to have lots of jewelry findings on hand! Your doors are already look very rich and I can only envision what the end result will become.
    I am glad to hear that you have survived the bad weather intact, and hope that things will be alright for those across the channel. Wind can wreck havoc as well as a hairdo! :0


    1. Hello Elisabeth,
      Yes, it sure can :)) But I stayed indoors so I'm fine and so is my hairdo... or well, my hairdo never is, be it good or bad weather lol.
      Glad you like the doors so far!

    2. Sorry I have spelled your name wrong....again! sorrysorrysorry.
      Will try to spell it in the correct way next time!

  2. Hi Gee,

    Those doors are going to be very elegant! Where do you get your 'jewelry findings?' All I could find in my junk drawer were some old, Mardi-Gras beads and a broken watch. Oh, well. I do understand your 'confession,' and strive to be more 'period-appropriate,' too. But even my hero, Mrs. Thorne, included some anachronisms in her rooms. My feeling sometimes is, "perhaps they WOULDN'T have done it this way, but perhaps they SHOULD have." Hope the storms blow over soon!


    1. Hi John,
      Most of the time I get my jewelry findings from
      and sometimes just here and there when I come across some on the internet. And no matter how many you buy, you (I) always come short. Ahh.... a broken watch... you could make a planetarium or what's it called from what's in an old watch. Cute!
      Yeah, it is such a temptation to bling things up; at first I thought: they would not have this or that back then. But now I think: they (the 'dollhouse people') should be darn pleased to live in a more luxurious home lolz. That is how I make myself at ease now haha.

    2. forgot: most jewelry findings come from demolishing old necklaces and bracelets. sometimes they are very cheap at some markets (like less than a quarter) and really awful but useable for mini.

  3. Dear Gee,
    What a nice doors. I love the ornaments. It's so simple with the jewelry things. I sometimes like to use the scrapbook sticker sheets.
    Hugs Dorien

    1. Hoi Dorien,
      Well, I planned on making the ornaments from scrap but realized yesterday I bought some paper ones years ago (I have become an obsessive dh hoarder so can't find anything anymore), they must be lying around somewhere.
      Maybe I should look for those .
      Scrapbook sticker sheets also is a good idea!

    2. I just read you shop at Bindels ornaments. That's my favorite webshop also. When I visit her page I always find something that can become useful.

  4. Ja Gee, Marijke heeft schitterende spullen om dit soort dingen mee te kunnen doen. Ik ben ook een enorme fan van haar ornamentjes, ze zijn goed voor van alles en nog wat, hè? Dus jij bent ook zo'n verzamelaar van van alles en nog wat? Hier zit er ook eentje, die af en toe niet meer weet waar het ook alweer ligt :D! Ben je op zoek naar wat anders, vind je wat je eerst niet kon vinden....
    Ik vind jouw deuren geweldig mooi, chapeau! Ik ben niet zo'n ontzettende tijdperiode-fan, maar voor mijn eigen grachtenhuis vind ik het wel een beetje van belang. Het grachtenhuis is al 400 jaar oud: ik houd een tijdsbestek van 1900-1920 aan, maar ik ga soms terug in de geschiedenis, waardoor je ineens iets wat ouder is kunt vinden. Ik vind het gedeelte voor de bediening leuker, dan de rijkelui kant, maar dat heeft misschien ook wel met mijn portemonnee te maken ;)! Ik probeer dan ook zoveel mogelijk zelf te maken voor mijn huisje.
    Fijn, dat jullie goed door de storm zijn heen "gewaaid", wij ook.
    Groetjes, Ilona

    1. ben ik helemaal vergeten je te antwoorden, hoe kan dat nou.
      Fijn dat je de deuren mooi vind; inderdaad zijn die ornamentjes hartstikke makkelijk.
      Ik vind de bedienden-kant ook leuk hoor, dat vertelt de andere kant van het verhaal en het een is niet compleet zonder het ander.
      Blij dat jullie ook goed door de storm zijn gekomen!

  5. They are looking amazingly elegant! I see a lot of folks getting bad weather right now, my hope for a calm spell ;)

  6. I like the doors, I never seem to be able to find any good findings anywhere (that sentence sounds odd!!) even at the dolls house shows, the finding look a bit rubbish! Love the ones you have found!!

    OH! I do like a bit of kitsch!! Look forward to seeing that!! ;)

    Storm was not as bad as predicted, not here in Bedfordshire anyway, but the south west of England took a hammering. We always have what I often refer to as 'Bedfordshire Weather' around where I live, nothing very extreme ever seems to come our way, just as well I suppose, but it would be nice to get a few days off work when there are 8 foot drifts of snow outside!! ;)

    I hope you weren't buffeted about too much either!

    Andy xxx

    1. Hello Andy!
      Glad you are OK, I hope nothing very extreme will happen to Bedfordshire in the future, either. Sounds like a comforting place, Bedfordshire... it has a nice ring to it.
      I was in the house during the storm basically watching the news so I am fine, thank you.

      Glad you like the doors so far and yes, findings always look like rubbish. I wouldn't know where to use them except for minis.
      And it looks like everyone has the same.
      So I prefer to buy the bigger ones and cut them into pieces and use them like that or puzzle them into other findings.

      Hahaha!! I like that you like a bit of kitsch too :D :D!!
      LOL now we have a bond :D


  7. Beautiful doors and a really nice blog you have, thank you for your post on my thuis blog but I think you want to look on my other blog
    groetjes van Marijke

  8. Hi Marijke,
    I have been spying there several times, too :D
