woensdag 15 april 2015

pics removed

Dear followers,

hope you are all fine.

To get to the point right away:
As Ilona and Brae already mentioned on their blogs, it seems some people copy pictures from blogs and  repost them as their own work.
I have had an unusual amount of traffic on my blog the last weeks.
As a result of that and said rumours  going round, I have removed my pictures.
Of course I will put them back in place as soon as I have them watermarked.

Hope you are enjoying the spring sun, big hugs to you all!

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Gee,
    I'm sorry to read this story. Can you please tell me how you watermarked your pictures?
    Greetings Dorien

    1. Hi Dorien, on internet you can find all kinds of free software and shareware, some of them are very simple, some of them are more difficult to apply. Some of the watermarks are visible and others are invisible. Some of them work one picture at a time while others work whole maps.
      So it really depends on what you want.
      I read somewhere that in Word or Photoshop you can make your own watermark.

    2. Dear Gee,
      Thanks for the answer.
      Hugs Dorien

    3. You're welcome, Dorien.
      I rather not mention the exact program I use, because that makes it too easy for anyone with bad intentions to remove the watermark I've used.

  2. Hi Gee! Dus jij bent ook al de klos met 'gejatte' foto's en ongewone 'verkeersdrukte'....? Tja, sommige mensen.....!
    Ik denk dat ik niet al mijn foto's ga watermerken en omwisselen, want dan ben ik vermoedelijk wel het hele jaar bezig.
    Ik wens je veel succes met die grote klus.
    Alles goed met jou?
    Groetjes, Ilona

    1. Hoi Ilona,
      nee hoor, er zijn ook programmaatjes die hele mappen tegelijk watermarken. Ik heb het op het moment gillend druk maar anders stonden de fotoos er alweer op.Ach ze zeggen ook weleens dat zoiets een groot compliment is; net als met alles: het is maar net hoe je er tegenaan kijkt.
      Ja hoor met mij gaat het goed, dank je, ik hoop met jou ook!

  3. I am concerned about the same thing. How do you remove them? Do you have to do it one by one? Also, is there a way to find out if your pictures have been compromised without joining a specific site?
    Last question, what program are you using to add the watermarks?

    1. Hello Grandmommy,
      In Blogger you can go to your posts, go through the posts, click on the pics and choose remove. And yes, I did it one by one but it really did not take me very long, about 15 minutes or so.But be sure you have a copy because once removed it's really gone.

      I don't know if there is a way to find out if your pics have been compromised without joining a specific site, I guess there is some way but being the noob that I am I don't know how

      For your last question, see the answer I wrote to Dorien, the first answer.
      Some are against it because it is not very pretty to have text over your images, but I choose for a visible watermark; as a reminder the pics are under copyright and also because it is free advertisement for my blog ;).
      But that is a very personal choice.

  4. Hi Gee, what a terrible thing to read about, so sorry bout the hassle it has brought you. You're right in saying there's different ways to look at it; seeing a compliment or feeling violated. Bottom line it's not classy and i have had it happen to me once too.

    Hope you and your daughter are doing great in RL.

  5. Hi Debora,
    Thanks for your input! You're right, it is not classsy. Have you landed on earth again after your trip? hope it was a soft landing :)
    My daughter and me are doing great indeed, thanks for asking. Hope you have recovered from all the turmoil and are doing great too!!
    Big hug,
