Hello dear readers and a warm welcome to new followers!
Being real fond of using herbs and spices while cooking and using essential oils for minor discomforts, of course I had to have some fresh herbs in the storage room as well.
After looking for a tutorial on making herbs for years, I never succeeded in finding one.
It just did not seem to exist.
That is, until two weeks ago when I bought the latest edition of a Dutch dollhouse
magazine, Dolls House Nederland, and there it was: a tutorial on how to make herbs.
I did not make all the herbs in the tutorial, but I managed to make enough herbs to also hang some to dry; did not show those in the picture, still have to figure out how and where to hang a thread in the storage room for the herbs to hang on.
I made a crate out of some left over scraps of wood, dropped it on my work
table from about a meter high, did that several times and glued the parts that
let loose back in a very sloppy way.
Then watered down some acrylic brown and black and painted the whole using that solution.
Next step was to fill the crate with paperclay (as my real clay turned out
to be hard as a brick), put holes in the paperclay where I wanted to place the herbs, paint it with black acrylic paint, and let that dry.
After it was dry, I smeared wood glue on the top side and covered the glue in coffee to imitate soil.
Then the herbs, roots dipped in wood glue, were planted and voila!
I think it turned out to be a nice little addition.
Next things I will be working on are a little powder room (think wigs!) and altering some tables into gaming tables using veneer.
It may take some time before I post again, 'cos when I first thought of these little projects the execution of it was very simple.
But the more I think about it, the more ideas pop up in my head and it gets more
labor-intensive by the day (and that's just the plans!).
Bet you all know what I am talking about.
Ah well, we'll see how it turns out.
Don't forget to have fun every single day, see you!
By the way: does any of you know how Ray is doing?
Next: the Powder Room