zondag 27 mei 2012

drawings and dressoir

I am very glad and proud that John also became a follower of my blog, welcome on board, John!
Excited that the 3 miniaturists who's work and personality I admire and like so much are now all 3 followers of my blog.
A big thank you, guys!!  this is really motivating!

Today I finished the sketch for the cupboard or in fancy french the dressoir, whatever you like to call it.
Tomorrow I will probably cut some of the veneer; my plan is to work on the top first, it's a design with bands, a swirl, flowers and leaves, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well AND that I don't cut any fingers off in the process ;).
I hope to have enough time to work on it this upcoming week, if so I will post a first photo towards the  weekend.

Speaking of weekend... hope you have a great weekend!

dinsdag 15 mei 2012

three men, three blogs

After looking at and reading sites (and blogs and forums) about dollhouses worldwide for about 15 years now, this last year I narrowed it down to three blogs.
Three blogs of men who are in my opinion the three best at this moment, I consider them artisans and
they will no doubt have a great future in the miniature world, for as far as they did not reach that yet.

Mulvany & Rogers, eat your heart out...

The first blog is Merriman Park. http://www.john-merrimanpark@blogspot.com/
Have a look at Johns' beautiful entrance hall and the gorgeous drawing room, for instance.
I will not force my opinion, but....come on.... isn't that just fab!??
Merriman Park is fun to read and always makes me smile.
Be prepared to be amazed.

Next there is Giac's blog. http://www.englishmanordollhouse.blogspot.com/
Make sure you see the beautiful scullery and staircase, to name just two, and feast your eyes.
Giac is building a gigantic manor, lots of how-to's on the way, and the result of his work
is stunning.
Don't be a stranger and read that blog.

Then there is Ray's blog. http://www.modernminiatures-whitledge-burgess.blogspot.com/
You simply have to see Ray's staircase which made me drool and he also makes the most exquisite
kitchens. And more!
Ray too is sharing how-to's, so important for those of us who want to learn new stuff.
Read, learn and enjoy.


maandag 14 mei 2012

Tonight I was searching the internet for houses that I could put on my wishlist to see if I ever get the opportunity.
I came across this link:
